Wild Wellness is an organization of people who care about making the world a better place one person at a time.We are nestled in Ojai, a small valley in Southern California surrounded by many small organic farms and business’s who care about the people and the planet.
Working together, Wild Wellness, Organic Ojai and other community business people, have years of experience with certification in various health and exercise modalities, as homeopathy, nutrition, yoga, fitness, Ojai mountain guiding, wilderness medicine, cooking with whole foods, gluten & dairy free cooking, consciousness training tools, and much more.We believe compassion with wisdom go along way to start the path of healing, joy and enlightenment.
We love what we do, and we do it well. We believe if we work with integrity, one person at a time and an intention of creating something for the larger good, those in alignment show up.
It all starts with individual health, happiness and compassion for others.May our paths cross in light and blessings!
Carol Janelle (Wild Wellness and BUKfoods)
Ian Essa Robertson(BUKfoods)